Renewable energy
Electrification and renewable energy is the most important aspect of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonisation is a massive task demanding great investment, technological development and innovation. The transition to renewable energy sources causes conflict and is politically demanding. We have over a decade of experience as advisors and public administration in the sector.
Bio fuel
Bio fuel is a central contributor to emission reduction both short and long term, and a new industrial opportunity for Norwegian businesses. Bio fuel is an opportunity to reduce emissions in several sectors such as transportation and construction. Stakeholder's advisors are some of Norway's leading bio fuel experts and works with both producers and consumers of bio fuel.
Logistics and freight
This industry is in the midts of changes driven by global mega trends such as digitization, e-commerce, and decarbonisation. The highly competitive international market pushes the businesses' ability to readjust and ensure safe and proper working conditions. Stakeholder has worked with some of the biggest Norwegian companies in the industry.
Public transportation
We are not only reducing CO2 emissions, we are moving towards a more circular economy creating green cities designed for the people living in it. Public transport is one of the key solutions.
We advice the industry on how we can make public transport even better, and a more attractive mode of transportation.
Fisheries and aquaculture
Fisheries and aquaculture are indsutries of great economic, social and historical importance in Norway. We are facing the demanding task of finding low and zero emission solutions for the fisheries and aquaculture indsutry. Stakeholder knows the sector, the complex regulatory frameworks and the industry actors.
Norwegian nature, food and culture are high quality tourism products with great economic value. Sustainable tourism is the key to long term value creation in the sector.
Industry actors use our assessments to shape the development of tourism in the direction of higher value and lower emissions.
Aviation is central to Norwegian infrastructure. It is a highly competitive industry both nationally and internationally, and a sector where emission reduction is costly.
We have been advisors to the aviation sectors's industry organisation to navigate the stakeholder and political landscape.
The construction sector is building the future. Smarter material choices and using low and zero emission solutions are important contributors to sustainable development.
We are advisors on development of frameworks and solutions to make it profitable to make sustainable choices.
Digitization and development of new technologies affects all indsutries and the changes are continuously more rapid. Technology and digitial tools used in the right way makes operations more efficient and has the potential to reduce resource consumption.
Stakeholder assists clients in the technology sector with positioning, strategy and communication.
Process industry
Norwegian process industry is producing materials for a sustainable future. Clean energy combined with world leading competence enables the development of next generations profitable solutions.
Our mission is to support the industry to implement the ambitious plans for sustainable production, by for example assisting businesses and organisations in navigating Norwegian and European environmental policies.
Retail and consumer goods
Fashion and textiles, cosmetics, furniture, food and beverages - with high expectations from consumers and stricter regulations, companies are expected to be in control of both social, climate and environmental impacts.
We have experience with human rights due diligence, sustainability reporting, communication and sustainability training with various clients in this sector.
Stakeholder's team of advisors has experience from several sectors, especially focusing on sustainable development.