We assist companies with tailor made solutions to meet the requirements in the Norwegian Transparency Act. We have practical experience with human rights due diligence and extensive knowledge on the OECD guidelines for responsible business conduct, with experience from government, the private and public sector.
OECD process for due diligence
Our HRDD services are always tailored to the client and line with the OECD guidelines
Embedding responsible business conduct
We conduct gap analyses to map whether our clients routines are in line with the OECDs guidelines and the UNGP. We consider their internal and external policies and advise on the necessary efforts and changes to be made.
Identify risk
Risk mapping of potential negative impact on human rights is an important part of the due diligence process. We assist companies in the risk mapping of their supply and value chain. Either by conducting a full risk mapping, research on specific areas or products, or assisting implementation of internal risk mapping routines.
Cease, prevent, mitigate
We have the expertise needed to make sure our clients implement the most effective and suitable efforts to cease, prevent and mitigate negative impacts on human rights in their value chain. We have experience working with complex issues for a range of companies and sectors.
Tracking and evaluating processes
We advice companies in setting the right KPIs to compliment the clients' sustainablity strategy and material impacts. We always consider the bigger picture - taking into account internationally recognized reporting standards and regulations to make sure the clients' development is in line with external expectations.
We assist companies in their communication efforts to all relevant stakeholders. This includes all types of public communication such as annual and sustainability reporting, to dialogue with affected rightsholders.
Using the most effective grievance channels to report issues is pivotal to be able to identify and remediate. We have unique insight in digital tools used for communication with workers in complex supply chains. In addition, we have experience with reported supply chain issues regarding human rights and workers' rights.
We support clients in communication and reporting processes
Duty to account for due diligence
The report on due diligence is to be signed by the board and published annually before 30. June. We assist clients in their reporting, from producing reports to quality checks and advisory on whether the report meets the requirements.
The right to information
Any person, regardless of reason, has the right to information on how the organisation addresses potential and actual adverse social impact. We have experiece in implementing efficient systems for communication and handling information requests. Our team has high competence and experience in the communication field.
GRI reporting
We are GRI certified (2022) and have years of experience producing sustainability and annual reports. We deliver everything from content, materiality analyses to advisory and gap analyses to ensure our clients' reporting is in line with the GRI requirements.
Kristin Holter
Founder and senior partner
- One of Norway's leading experts on human rights due diligence.
+47 47649783
Linnea Holter Thompson
Senior advisor
- Experience with human rights due diligence in practice and advisory to a range of both private and publicly owned companies.
+47 41640131